Home > Artworks > GRUPO PROYECTO CULTURAL proveedor de servicios educativos y culturales

Photo of GRUPO PROYECTO CULTURAL proveedor de servicios educativos y culturales Colombia
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We left the art as a vehicle for social transformation and integration, as a meeting point and as an educational experience where children and young people acquire the mission of helping to build a humanistic society, where to realize its creative potential as an inexhaustible source of principles...

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We left the art as a vehicle for social transformation and integration, as a meeting point and as an educational experience where children and young people acquire the mission of helping to build a humanistic society, where to realize its creative potential as an inexhaustible source of principles and values through integrationist actions for peace and healthy living. Additional School Days are programs that complement the curriculum development of educational establishments. The goal of these programs is to guide pedagogical use of leisure time in activities that strengthen basic skills and citizenship especially in children and young people more and vulnerability status.

The overall objective of this program is integral to the proper development, physical, cognitive, social and emotional development of children and youth.

This objective is part of the overall purpose of the J. EC seeks to reduce the risks associated with the vulnerability of children and young students away from unproductive leisure and harmful activities by promoting opportunities that stimulate good use of leisure time, through cultural and productive activities to guide the respect for human rights, appreciation of differences and the practice of democracy.

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